Plymouth Tyres about Winter Tyres
Quality Part Worn Tyres available here

Why Fit Winter Tyres?
As vehicle design and technology has advanced over the years - tyres have done the same to cope with heavier faster cars with more advanced braking systems. Other parts of the world have extreme winter versus summer conditions, winter tyres have been specially developed over many years and work best in temperatures under 7 degrees Celsius. They look like normal tyres but perform differently.
The UK weather is not normally extreme but on average, it does have many days that are cold with a surprising number of them with ice and snow. The last two winters have had many people struggling to get out of their road or driveway.
Most of the country has an average temperature of less than 7 degrees (the blue, white and pink ares on the chart) for the December to February Winter period. Met Office reports that most of the country has a minimum temperature below 3 degrees C. In fact, most of the country has ground frost for 40 out of the 90 days of winter - with first frost falling in Aberdeen in Mid October down to Southampton being Mid November.
From the Midlands northwards, snow falls on average for 10+ days out of 90 in winter.
Source: Met Office - Average Winter Weather 1971-2000 (next update 2012)
British cars normally drive on 'summer' tyres but below temperatures of 7 degrees C - the winter tyre gives significant safety advantages in wet and icy conditions - up to a bus length and a half shorter stopping distance! Their superior grip helps you keep control.
Not surprisingly, winter tyres are also better in snowing conditions - braking up to 8 metres shorter than summer tyres from 30mph (35m versus 43m in length)
28 George Place
TEL: 01752 249915
Opening Hours:
Mon: 0900-1730
Tue: 0900-1730
Wed: 0900-1730
Thr: 0900-1730
Fri: 0900-1730
Sat: bookings available
Sun: closed
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